A loan helped purchase supplies for planting corn, wheat, beans and potatoes.

Adrian Benigno's story

Adrian Benigno A. G. is 22 years old. He is single and lives with his parents in the San Miguel canton of the Bolivar province. He has one child.

Adrian is a member of the Ventanilla La Florida located a half hour away from San Miguel, it is a group dedicated to agriculture as a means of obatining income for their families. This group has 14 members.

Adrian is in farming. He grows corn, wheat, beans and potatoes. He purchases supplies in San Miguel and sells his products at the market in San Miguel and at his farm.

He is requesting a loan to purchase supplies for the planting of corn, wheat, beans and potatoes. With the help of the loan, he will be better able to financially support his family. His dreams are to build a house and provide for his son's education.

He likes to ride his motorcycle.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laura Bobbit.

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