A loan helped to grow his business by purchasing more poultry and balanced feed.

Elmer's story

Elmer is 21 years old. He is single and lives with his parents in the Quemazón village in the district of Mórrope, an agricultural district located in the Lambayeque province. The area is about an hour from the city of Chiclayo.

For over two years he has raised and sold poultry. He raises ducks, turkeys, and chickens in a corral located in the rear part of his home. When the birds are well developed, he sells them to neighbors and salespeople who often visit the area. He also has a small store in his home which he uses to help his parents support the family.

Elmer would like to grow his business by acquiring more birds and balanced feed which he can use to increase sales and earn more profits. For this reason e has decided to request a loan for the first time from Edpyme Alternativa, in the amount of 1000 new soles to help him achieve his goal.

Elmer is a very hardworking person with a desire to succeed. He wants to continue growing as a business owner to help his parents get ahead.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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