A loan helped a member purchase of traditional wax dyed clothing.

Danaya Group's story

The women of the Danaya group are all married, of an average age of 34 years old, have 4 children, and live in large traditional families in the town of Yangasso (Ségou region in the republic of Mali).
They became acquainted through living in the same neighbourhood and family ties. They practice various income generating activities such as the sale of food seasoning, rice and other goods.
These women joined Soro Yiriwaso a year ago. This is their second solidarity loan and Marama C. who is an itinerant saleswoman of fabric and wax print textiles,plans to buy items of traditional wax clothing with her loan.
She purchases her supplies at Bamako every month and sells her merchandise to both men and women as retail for cash.
She hopes to make a monthly profit of 12.500FCFA and the other members of the group each hope for a profit of 11.500FCFA, which will enable them to repay the loan, help their spouses and expand their activities.

In this group: Marama, Koumba, Batoma, Korotimi, Maïmouna, Fatoumata, Batoma

Translated from French.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details