A loan helped to purchase silk materials to continue her and her children’s weaving business.

It's story

Mrs. It C. (see photo) and her husband, Mr. Hout Khloeng, have been married since 1970 and have eight children: six sons and two daughters. Four of them are married and live outside the family home, one attends school and the other three children weave silk at home. They live in a small village across the Mekong River about fifteen kilometers from Phnom Penh City.

It has been a silk weaver for more than twenty-five years. She asked for a Kiva loan previously to purchase silk materials. She hopes to continue her weaving business because she has children to assist their mother in the business.

It is requesting a second loan of 1,000 USD to purchase silk materials.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details