A loan helped a member to purchase cattle and goats for resale.

Ghokale Group-Jinja's story

Monica W., 43, has an easy-going demeanor that has been of paramount importance in helping her strike a chord with clients. Monica, who belongs to Ghokale Group-Jinja principally sells goats and cattle in Lvunamba. This happily married mother of six has been doing this for the last six years. Before that, she was more involved in a grocery business. Though she still operates it, the grocery now plays second fiddle to her more lucrative goat and cattle sales businesses. In a week, she makes 100000 shillings. With this loan, she reckons she will be able to buy more goats and cattle for resale and increase her business profits.

In this group: Monica, Johnson, Jenihper, Alice, Harriet, Zalika, Ruth, Justine, Annet, Geoge, Sylivia, Slivia, Sarah, Mutwalibu

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