A loan helped to purchase high quality feed.

Lourdes Roxana's story

Lourdes is 26 years old, she is single and she lives with her father and her mother in the community of Colera, in the primarily agricultural region of Tambogrande. This region is known for the export of local fruit products, and it is located more than three hours from the city of Chiclayo.

She raises and sells turkeys and chickens in a free-range corral close to her home. Once the livestock have reached a certain size she sells them to her neighbors and to businesses in the region. This business grants her a source of income and she is able to help her parents with the family's expenses.

Lourdes wants to upgrade the quality of the feed she uses to that they will develop better and get better prices when they are sold. To reach her goal she has approached Edpyme Alternativa (Kiva Field Partner) for the first time, requesting a loan in the amount of 500 soles to purchase high quality feed.

Lourdes is a very hard working and responsible young woman. Her dream is to keep helping her parents in continuing to contribute to the improvement of the family's quality of life. In the neighborhood Lourdes is known as a decent and trustworthy young woman.

Translated from Spanish.

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