A loan helped a member to buy more cartons of juice and bread.

Strong Brothers #1. Group's story

Rufus T., who is holding the sign, is the leader of this group of five borrowers called Strong Brothers #1. Rufus is 34 years old, single and has two children who are between the ages of 3 and 13 years old. He was only able to attend school through 12th grade due to lack of financial support.

For 4 years, he has been selling bread and juice on Water Street in downtown Monrovia, Liberia. He plans to use his 8,500 Liberian Dollars portion of this 41,000 Liberian Dollars group loan to buy more cartons of juice and bread. He describes himself as easy-going. His goal is to grow his business and educate his children.

In this group: Rufus, Sam, Sundama, Jerry, Helen

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details