A loan helped to buy supplies to prepare the soil, and to cultivate yams.

Yerlin's story

Yerlin V. A. is a youth of 20 years of age who lives with her husband and her 2 children in a community called Santa Fe, located in Los Chiles in the Alajuela province. This community is in a mountainous region that is located very close to the northern border of the country. The main economic activities are livestock and agriculture, specifically the cultivation of staple grains, sugar cane and oranges.

A few years ago Yerlin was motivated by her father to develop her own business on a small plot of land that he had given her for an inheritance. Today she is cultivating yams, root vegetables that taste good, are rich in nutrients and are processed in large volume by the local agro-industry. There is great demand for this product in Costa Rica as well as in other countries.

Yerlin is now requesting a loan of 623,000 Costa Rican colones to help with the preparation of the soil by purchasing of seeds, fertilizers and other supplies that are needed to guarantee the optimal cultivation of yams.

Yerlin is a member of the communal bank "Manatial de Santa Fe," one of the 100 organizations that are members of EDESA in Costa Rica. This will be her first loan, and with it she hopes to improve her income and the quality of her production.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

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