A loan helped a member the purchase of lucrative cash crops like cassava and sweet potatoes for resale.

Kyosimba-Onaanya Women's Group Buikwe-Lugazi's story

Before she began her food-selling business 12 years ago in Buikwe in Lugazi, Hadijah N. was more of a business rolling stone. She subsisted on occasional pieces of work, like the selling of second-hand clothing to the selling of food. At present, 48-year-old Hadijah N. is a master at her food-selling business.

Hadijah is a married mother to two children and in a week she makes 100,000 shillings. With this loan, she wants to reinvigorate her business with bulk purchases of lucrative cash crops like sweet potatoes, cassava and maize, that she will, in the course of transacting, resell.

In this group: Hadijah, David, Betty, Yusuf, Edith, Hasifa, Jawena, Erone, Mary, Steven, Sam, Moses

Loan details

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