A loan helped a member buy a cart for selling ice cream.

Gotitas De Cristal Group's story

The “Gotitas De Cristal” (Little Crystal Drops) Communal Bank is requesting a loan for the first time. It is part of the German Busch Community Center. It is comprised of eight people. The head of the bank is a board of directors comprised of the president, Lourdes Luta N.; the secretary, Sofía Q.; and the treasurer, Julia M..

Mrs. Q. has had a business selling ice cream for six months. She sells at fairs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Her father was the one who helped her get into this business.

This first loan is for 1,500 BOB. She says that she will use it to buy a cart for selling ice cream.

The members of the Gotitas de Cristal Communal Bank have different businesses like selling ice cream, selling food, making “polleras” (traditional skirts) and semi-used blankets, selling pots, a store, and public telephone service.

In this group: Sofia, Natividad, Vicenta, Julia, Lourdes Luisa, Nancy, Catalina, Claudia Marina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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