A loan helped to buy cacao and orange plants to increase his business.

Jorge Heriberto's story

Jorge Heriberto A. B., 33, is single and lives in Chillanes canton located in Recinto San José, Estero Salado parish. He has two children: Darwin, 12, and Jessica, 10.

Jorge is a member of the Fronteras Unidas (United Frontiers) communal bank located fifteen minutes from Estero Salado parish, two hours from the Chillanes agency. It has 19 members who are farmers.

Jorge farms cacao and oranges. He makes his purchases monthly in Matilde Esther and his sales are there too.

He is asking for funds to buy cacao and orange plants to expand his crops. He feels that the loan is an opportunity to get ahead. His dream is to increase production in order to have enough money to buy a house. The challenge he faces is during harvest because rains damaged the access roads.

He likes to play sports and celebrate the local festivals.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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