A loan helped to help her husband with household expenses by developing her business to increase he income.

Dalal's story

Dalal is 32, married with 4 school-going children. Her husband works with low income. She tried hard to increase her family income by working for others for extra income to the family but, she faced many difficulties like the long distance between home and work that cost her little time with her children.

She requested a loan before TADE to start her cattle raising to create a stable source of income and improve her family's living conditions. Now, she is requesting a loan from KIVA to help her in developing her small project to buy another head of cattle for fattening and increase dairy food product sales.

She hopes to help her husband with household expenses and pay for her children's education and afford healthy food to strengthen the immunity which is becoming an important thing now in Coronaviruses time.

This loan is special because:

It aims to support women entrepreneur breadwinners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details