A loan helped to buy a cow.

Grettel's story

Grettel V. M. is a 28-year old young woman who lives with her husband and two children in a community called El Sauce de Santa Teresita de Turrialba, in the the province of Cartago. It is a small rural community with a population of approximately 2,000. The local people are milk and coffee producers. The area is hilly and much of the land is tropical rainforest. It’s very attractive with two lovely lakes, coffee plantations, and dairies mixed in with the rainforest.

In the last little while Grettel has wanted to develop her small dairy business with a project involving milk products such as cream and cheese. She says that she is very pleased with the business because it's built her confidence and served as a source of income for improving her life despite the problems that the community faces.

Currently Grettel needs a loan of 500,000 colones with which to buy a cow. This will enable her to increase milk production and other dairy products which are sure to be in great demand in the community since they are of high quality.

Sra. Grettel is a member of the Producers’ Association of El Sauce, one of the hundred member organisations of EDESA in Costa Rica. This will be her second loan and she hopes that it will enable her to continue developing both on a personal and on an economic level.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

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