A loan helped to prepare his land for wheat production.

Rakita Ole's story

Rakita Ole K. is 32 years old. He is married to Esther K. and a father to two school-age children.

Rakita is a farmer who has his own piece of land which he has been cultivating for the last ten years.

He learned about KADET from a friend who is a registered client of KADET in his community. This will be his first loan which he is planning to spend to prepare his ten acres of land for wheat planting. Wheat has been doing well in his area due to good climatic conditions. He hopes to use the profit from the proceeds of this loan to expand his farming activity by leasing a bigger piece of land to increase his wheat production.

Rakita's dream is be a large scale farmer with his own farm machinery.

He is a hard working man who is determined to achieve his set goals.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details