A loan helped a member to buy a large cooler and supplies to make soft drinks, enchiladas, tacos, and other fried foods in her food stall.

Los Cruces Group's story

This is the group “Los Cruces” which has had 28 loan cycles. It includes ten members whose businesses are clothing sales, cosmetics, enchiladas, soft drinks, sweets, a grocery store, and others.

Evelin del Socorro (in the middle in the photo, wearing a cap) is 37 years old and has five children, the eldest (age 18) in his last year of secondary school. Evelin dreams of having her own house. A loan will permit her now to buy a large cooler and the supplies to make soft drinks, enchiladas, tacos, and other fried foods in her food stall.

The loan has helped to change her living conditions. One challenge has been Covid-19, which has reduced her sales, but thanks to your trust, she has managed to keep it going. The group is counting on you to make progress!

In this group: Consuelo Del Carmen, Estela Maria, Ninoska Del Carmen, Hosni Emmanuel, Guadalupe Del Socorro, Martha Patricia, Nora Isabel, Evelin Del Socorro, Diana De Los Angeles, Silvia Elena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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