A loan helped to buy more maize to prepare 'banku' and to sell to those who want to buy raw maize.

Ramatu's story

Ramatu M. prepares 'banku' (a dish prepared of maize dough) with different varieties of soups (such as okra, palm nut and groundnut soup) at Abura. Ramatu has received senoir high education. She is married to a mason.

Ramatu has been selling 'banku' for some time now. She helps her husband with the general welfare of the home. Her loan will be used to buy more maize to prepare 'banku' and to sell to those who want to buy the raw maize. She hopes to use the new earnings she will be getting as a result of the loan to complete a kitchen she has started renovating.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details