A loan helped a member buy leavening and pay the salary of one of the workers.

Sembrando Group's story

Our members belong to the Sembrando Communal Bank. Our members live in the city of Cusco. They meet in the Huanchac province, Cusco department, on the first week of every month.

Antonia is one of the members. She is 59 years old and married. She is a small businesswoman. She has a bakery, which is in her own house. She makes breads and cakes in her bakery. She hired personnel to work in her bakery selling and making different types and sizes of bread.

She is asking for the loan to buy leavening and pay the salary of one of the workers.

The other members have different activities like providing taxi service, cosmetology, selling cleaning products, or teaching.

The members appreciate and value the support that has been provided. Therefore, they commit to making their loan payments on time.

In this group: Jose Luis, Raul Wilfredo, Evarista, Antonieta, Clemente, Carlos Alberto, Rene, Crisogeno, Yamin, Victor Hugo, Marina, Cecilia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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