A loan helped a member invest in a food business.

Emprendiendo Sin Fronteras Group's story

Mrs. Antonia is 45 years old, married with 3 children. She is part of the "Emprendiendo Sin Fronteras" group alongsiD. 7 more people living in the Comas district, who elected her as treasurer of the group's managing board. She has been managing her grocery store, called "Bodeguita Trinidad", for two years. She started off in rented premises opposite a market. After having been robbed she moved the business to her own home, where things are going well. With her work she supports her daughter's university expenses and slowly builds her own home. She will invest the requested loan in the purchase of food supplies to start a food business.

In this group: Antonia, Victoria, Odalis Kalem, Odilia Delia, Cristina Elena, Odalis, Elizabeth, Jose Angel

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alba Sort.

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