A loan helped a member materials such as sugar cane, flour, sugar and coal.

La Esperanza Group's story

The La Esperanza women's committee was created on August 17, 2006. They have an excellent record for payment, and their treatment of each other is noteworthy. Because of this and their solidarity, they continue to increase their investments and are still working together.
One of the members sells honey. She produces sugar cane honey with a manual machine with which she wrings the cane and extracts juice which can also be consumed. Later this is boiled at high temperatures to create the honey. Once she has the honey, she jars it in various sizes to sell. She sells her products at various businesses in the area.
She will use the loan to buy jars, sugar cane and other necessities.

In this group: Carolina, Herna, María Lina, Mirna, María Luisa, Norma, Ninfa, Magdalena, Virginia, Amalia, Graciela, Librada, Ana, Myrian, Cesarea, Feliciana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

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