A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers and other supplies.

Kuña Aty Atyra Group's story

The group called Kuña Aty Atyra is made up of residents of the Caacupé area who seek to improve their standard of living. The group is in its first cycle of the Women's Committee program. Nancy is one of the committee members. She has a small nursery, where she offers her customers a variety of plants. She has been able to cover her household expenses through this business. Members of the group all help one another, and want to get ahead through everyone's collective work.

The group is requesting this loan to buy fertilizers and other products for Nancy's nursery.
Note: Only one person appears in the photo, but this is a group loan. It was not possible to take a group photo because of social distancing considerations with Covid-19.

In this group: María, Ignacia, Rossana, Blanca, Nancy, Marlene, Julia, Gladys, Mirtha, Zuni

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Diane Stockwell.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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