A loan helped a member buying supplies of sugar, rice and beans.

Zambarau Group's story

Meet Hawa S. and the Zambarau Group. Hawa is 27 years old and married with a two-year-old son. She also supports her 19 year-old sister, and they work together at Hawa's shop. She has been running the business for two years and it is going well. The shop is open from 7 am until 8:30 pm daily, and Hawa earns a profit of about $115 (160,000 Tsh) per month. This will be Hawa's first loan from Tujijenge Tanzania, and she will use it to purchase additional inventory of sugar, rice and beans, which sell the fastest at her shop. Hawa will use the profits from this loan to purchase more stock and expand her inventory. She dreams of growing the business and eventually adding a beauty saloon.

Hawa is the treasurer of her group, Zambarau. At Tujijenge Tanzania, the groups name themselves, and Zambarahau is the name of a local fruit. The group's 18 members run a variety of businesses including selling clothes, food, meat and motorcycle maintenance. Members hold each other accountable for paying back the loan.

Hawa is in the middle of the photo, wearing an orange dress with a white scarf.

In this group: Hawa, Arafa, Kezia, Alfayo, Helena, Matata, Mussa, Hamisi, Rafael, Glory, Nazeleno, Athuman, Ester, Amina, Mwajoula, Elias, Paulo, Elias

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