A loan helped a member to purchase two sheep and fuel needed for farming.

Damira's Group's story

Kochkor village is located in Kochkor valley, surrounded by mountain chains in the south and the north. People of this area are used to harsh winds and frosty winters. The main occupation of majority is cattle breeding. Our group is not an exception.

Damira B., the leader of this group, is the mother of three children. She is 48 and, for a living, she raises livestock for sale. At present, she is raising five sheep for sale. Her husband works in a rayon (district) electricity station. One of her sons works in a pastry shop while the other son and her husband help Damira look after the cattle. The little daughter has been fortunate enough, as her parents sent her to university in the capital.

Damira strives to provide a good life for her family. Therefore she is doing her best to increase the total population of her livestock. Now, her monthly income is around $110. It is not much money but Damira is an optimistic person and believes that she will manage to improve her family’s living conditions. Besides, recently they have made a major repair to their house. Now, Damira needs a loan to purchase two sheep and fuel for farming.

Damira’s partners:

B. Aiymbubu, 60, is a widow who has raised three children. Her two sons are now farmers and actively support their mother. As for Aiymbubu, she is engaged in reselling livestock and manages to earn $85 a month. Now she needs a loan to purchase more sheep.

S. Mairamkul, 49, has three children and the whole family is occupied with cattle breeding. They started this business three years ago by means of a loan and their life has greatly improved since then. Now they again need a loan to invest in increasing the total population of their livestock.

T. Ishen, 56, is a widow and has three children: two daughters are married and a son is a college student. To make a living Ishen built a shop and started raising cattle. Now, she has a stable business and two sources of income. She needs this loan to purchase more sheep and a cow.

--- Where Did This Loan Come From? ---
This loan is brought to you by Mol Bulak Finance, a young and ambitious socially-focused MFI in Kyrgyzstan.

Mol Bulak Finance is strongly committed to the principles of sustainable development on the basis of the 3-Ps concept - People (building human capital and taking care of its customers and the society as well), Profit (to be profitable in order to grow further) and the Planet (taking care of the environment). It is also the only MFI in Kyrgyzstan that delivers its services to customers 365 days a year. To learn more about Mol Bulak and view a video presentation about the organization, please visit: www.kiva.org/about/aboutPartner?id=135.

If you would like to support and learn more about Kyrgyzstan and micro-finance in Central Asia, please join our Lending Team - Supporters of Kyrgyzstan - at www.kiva.org/team/kyrgyzstan. Members will get special updates and news from the Kiva Fellows in Kyrgyzstan and from Mol Bulak staff.

In this group: Damira, Mairamkul, Ishen, Aiymbubu

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