A loan helped to buy perfumes, shampoos, deodorants, creams, etc.

Shirley Jasmin's story

Shirley Jasmin is 37 years old, married, and has three children, ages 17, 13, and 10, who attend school. Her husband is a professional chauffeur. They live in the Charapotó parish where farming and cattle are the primary economic activities, and the people are very humble and generous to their own people as well as strangers.

Shirley works selling Yanbal, Avon, and Belcorp (lbel, cyzone, esika) products via catalog (beauty products, cosmetics, perfume, and accessories for women). She works three days a week, two to three hours per day. She leaves the products on credit and collects every eight days. During the global health crisis she experienced economic difficultires, her customers couldn't pay her because they had been left without work and others died. At the beginning it was very bad and she couldn't sell. But now, little by little, sales are restarting. In her family her mother and her brother became sick with Covid-19 but they are recuperating.

With this new loan she will buy perfumes, shampoos, deodorants, creams, etc. Her dream is that her family has good health and that her business continues growing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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