A loan helped to purchase farm supplies.

Maurice Kurgat's story

Maurice K. is 36 years old and married to Nelly Kurgat. They have five children: Faith (14 years old, in primary school), Titus (12 years, in primary), Sofia (7years old, in primary), Jemutai (3 years old) and Douglas (2 months old).

Maurice practices horticultural farming. He started this business 5 years ago. From this venture he gets a monthly profit of KES 10,000, which is his only source of income. Maurice has borrowed a loan of KES 80,000 from KADET. He will purchase seeds, fertilizer, insecticides, as well as use some money for ploughing and transplanting.

Maurice was introduced to KADET by a leader of the local government in a public baraza (community meeting). Maurice does business in a semi arid area. If this loan boosts his business, Maurice will use the extra profit to expand his business.

Maurice dreams and hopes to have a plot of land and also to expand his business. He describes himself as hardworking.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details