A loan helped to buy more stocks of sodas and food for the kiosk and buy carpentry tools.

Stephen Abuga's story

Stephen Abuga A. is 33 years old. He is married to Joyce Nyambura and the father of three children who are currently going to school. He is a carpenter and also runs a small kiosk business which he has been operating for the last ten years on a busy street in Narok Town.

He learned about KADET from the chairlady of a group that is registered with KADET. This will be his second loan. He is planning to buy more stocks of sodas and food for his kiosk and also buy some equipment for his workshop.

With the profits he hopes to make from the proceeds of this loan, he plans to open a bigger workshop where he can focus on his carpentry work.

His future dream is that he will be able to build his own stand and his own house. He is a hard-working man who is determined to achieve his set goals.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details