A loan helped a member to buy more produce.

Lwamba Development Group, Mityana's story

M. Samuel, pictured separately at the top left, is a part of the big group. He is a patient and hard working man, married with five children, out of which three are in secondary and two in primary school. He also takes care of two dependants. Samuel is a produce buyer from Lwamba of Mityana from which he is able to make profits that enable him to take good care of his family. This is Samuel’s second loan from Kiva partner Pearl Microfinance and he is happy that his first loan helped him buy more produce for resale just as he hopese this will do in order to enable him to make more profits. He buys produce such as rice, beans, maize, etc. for resale.

In this group: Samuel, Fatuma, Joseph, Manuel, Emmanuel, Christopher, Matia, Rose, Joyce, Constantino, Moses, Sulaiman

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details