A loan helped purchase materials needed to replace her roof.

Maria Adelaida's story

María is 48 years old, separated from her husband, and lives with her twelve year old son who is the youngest of her five children. They reside in the District of Paiján, Province of Ascope. This community is in the region of La Libertad, which is three hours away from the city of Chiclayo.

María has been a farm worker since she was a young woman. Her tasks include harvesting peppers, asparagus, and corn. Thanks to her work, her children have been able to get ahead and most of them already live on their own. María currently works from 6am until 5pm harvesting onions at a local farm.

She is requesting her first loan from Edpyme Alternativa in the amount of 1000 soles so that she can purchase roofing materials for her home. The continuous summer rains are wreaking havoc on her house, which is made of basic materials.

María is a determined and hardworking mother who desires to provide her son with a quality education that will help him secure a promising future. The photograph shows the roof that needs to be replaced.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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