A loan helped a member to buy a new sewing machine.

Gulduzi Group's story

This is Gulduzi group which has three members: Waisuldin, Naze Gul and Waroky Bib who each have a different business.

Waisuldin is the group leader. He is 22 years old and is married with three children: two sons and one daughter. He is a tailor and has a sewing machine but it is too old and currently is not working properly. He wants to buy a new sewing machine as this is the only business which, through its income, supports his family.

The second member of this group is Naze Gul. She is a embroiderer and wants to buy cloth and other necessary things. Through her income she supports her husband and children.

The last member of this group is Waroky Bibi who runs a business making quilts. She wants to buy cotton, cloth and other essential materials.

Therefore they together have requested a group loan of 30,000 Afghani to expand their businesses and complete the requirements of their families. They are thankful for all the Kiva lenders and AFSG. Because of these loans they can improve their lives, have better health, and can buy good quality food.

In this group: Naze Gul, Waisuldin, Waroky Bibi

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details