A loan helped to buy fabric.

Maria Elena's story

Maria Elena is married and has an adult son who lives with his own family. She is a seamstress and has her shop in her home.

She started this business 21 years ago because she always wanted to be a clothing designer. She states that she always liked this work and has been involved in it all this time.

She began with this business after some friends taught her to sew. It was these very same friends that would recommend customers to her so that she could practice and become known. After, she began to expand because she gave good service and her customers then started to recommend others to her.

The funds requested will be used to buy fabric and supplies to make school uniforms since the new school term is about to start and she wants to take advantage of the opportunity this offers.

Her dream is to expand her business so that she and her family can have better economic stability. Besides, she would like to have a larger business so that she can offer employment to others.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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