A loan helped to buy clothing.

Marta Isabel's story

Marta Isabel L. D. B. is 47 years old. She lives the department of Usulután. She lives her mother's house with along with her two sons, who are 18 and 16 years old. She sells clothing as a street vendor, which she does along with her oldest son. Every day, Marta gets up very early, ready to sell as much as possible. She sells her products in the neighborhoods and markets of Usulután. She has been in this line of work for 15 years, and it has allowed her to proviD. everything that her children needed, like food, clothing, and studies. This is why she has such good references from people in her neighborhood, because she has stood out as a hardworking and responsible person who has always looked out for the wellbeing of her children. Marta is requesting a loan because she’d like to buy a larger quantity of clothing and also different styles, sizes, and colors, which would allow her to increase her sales.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jennifer Day.

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