A loan helped a member recapitalising her retail shop with more goods.

Winfred's Group's story

T. Winfred, 40, is the leader of her lending group in Kihihi. She is a friendly and approachable lady, married with six children between the ages of 1 and 24 years old, and she takes care of two stepchildren. Winfred has been selling products from Kyeijanga trading centre for 10 years. She is able to make 70,000/= profit a week and this helps contribute to her children’s education and general welfare. She sells mostly general merchandise and only creditors affect her business. Winfred has a dream of getting electricity into her business premises so that she can have cold drinks for sale. She also hopes to cement her residential house and add connecting power to it. She needs a loan to help recapitalize her shop for expansion, to increase sales and profit.

In this group: Winfred, Good, Ruth, Ruth, Emilly, Patrick, Julius

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details