A loan helped a member to buy tools and furnishing materials like polish, glue, sandpaper, etc.

Isaac Nyame Group's story

Prince is a professional carpenter and has been in business for the last three years. He is 29 years old and married with one child. Carpentry has been his major occupation and the main source of livelihood for his family. He owns a carpentry shop where he manufactures all kinds of furniture. He says that, for lack of adequate working capital, he is not able to pre-finance most of the orders from his customers. This slows down his work because he has to wait for funds from his customers before any work can begin which often causes delays.

Prince requests a loan to enable him to procure useful working tools and furnishing materials like polish, glue, sandpaper, wood, etc., to improve his efficiency. He believes this will increase his income and ensure good living for his family. He is grateful for the assistance.

Prince is the leader of a trust bank group called "Isaac Nyame" which means "The God of Isaac". He is the one sitting in middle of the group in the photograph. Most of the members of this group are petty traders, food vendors and/or farmers. In this group, members guarantee for one another as social collateral to access the loan and there is peer pressure to repay the loan.

In this group: Prince, Rose, Salamatu, Janet, Akosua, Rose, Nana, Janet, Veronica, Emelia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details