A loan helped to maintain his crops to continue harvesting for some years.

Felix's story

Félix is 70 years old, single, and his business is coffee production. He does his work in Coroico, a rural zone of traditional coca, coffee, and citrus production.

Félix lives in his own house, there he has 1.5 hectares of farmland where he grows coca, coffee, and mandarins. His plants are of quarterly production, and are characterized as being planted once and harvested for several years. One only needs to provide maintenance, pruning, weeding, and fumigating the whole area.

To keep his crops and continue harvesting, he needs to spray insecticide and hire helpers to do the pruning and weeding. The advantage is that he stores the harvest and sells it when the demand is higher, the problem is doing all the work without help. His dream is to expand his crops. He wants to care for his plants to continue harvesting for some years. With this loan, he will purchase insecticides and hire assistants. This is the first loan that he has gotten from the institution in his whole life.

It is for these reasons that Félix asks for a loan to maintain his crops to continue harvesting for some years.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers smooth their income and protect against the effects of climate change.

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