A loan helped a member to take an eyebrow design course.

Super Poderosas I Group's story

The Super Poderosas I group is taking out a loan for the third time. The group has five members who live and work in the Santo André community of São Paulo.

Delma is the leader. She is married, a manicurist, works in a small salon and also sees customers at home. She is very straightforward and determined, and she plans to use the loan to take an eyebrow design course and, in future, make some small alterations to the comfort of her house so that she can deal with her customers in greater comfort.

Denise is a beautician, and she will use the loan to buy massage creams and depilatory products. Iraci sells snacks and will use the loan to buy hamburgers, sausages and bread for the snacks. Isis works with cosmetics and will use the loan to buy makeup and moisturiser, while Leticia is new to the group and is a hairdresser. She will use the loan to buy dyes.

The group is grateful to the investors, because the loan helps to improve their activities and improve their lives.
Leticia had a separate photo taken (shown on the right) because she was not able to join the group on the day of the meeting due to work obligations.

In this group: Delma, Denise, Iraci, Isis, Leticia

Translated from Portuguese.

This loan is special because:

This is one of few affordable credit options for low-income borrowers in São Paulo, Brazil.

Loan details

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