A loan helped a member to purchase clothes in bulk for resale.

Milly's Group's story

Milly is the leader of her lending group in Mukono. She is 40 years old and a single mother of four children ages 16, 14, 12 and 10 years old. Also, she takes care of three dependents.

Milly is a businesswoman with three businesses: selling used clothing, selling matooke (a Ugandan dish), and managing a restaurant, all in Mbalala. With regard to the clothes and matooke, Milly has had both businesses for 30 years. The restaurant has been running for four years. She employs three people, two of whom are her siblings, to help her manage her businesses. All in all, she is able to make 250,000/= a week as profit, which help her take care of her children, including paying their school fees. She is what she is today because of her businesses that help to bring in more income.

In the future, instead of moving around with her clothes to the daily markets, she would like to have a stationary shop where she can sell her clothes, as well as increase the number of bales she buys a week from 2 to 3 or 4, for increased profits and to have a variety. At the moment, Milly is renting, but she is building a house for her children to live in. She needs a loan to be able to buy more bales of clothes for resale as well as buying more matooke for the same purpose.

In this group: Milly, Florence, Rose, Edith, Rehema, Madina, Joseph, Ronald, Jane, Rehema, Fatumah, Cathy, Rosette

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