A loan helped a member to buy seeds and hire laborers to help on her field.

Kyet Shar(2)C Village Group C's story

Thirty two year old San, second from the right, is the featured borrower of this group. San has been a farmer for a long time and continues to take care of the fields she inherited from her parents. She has a 4-year-old daughter and works tirelessly with her husband to support both their daughter and an elderly relative who lives with them.

San plans to use this loan for her groundnut plantation by buying seeds and hiring some labourers to help. She is hoping that in the future this expenditure will help increase her family's income.

The other members in this group are: San San, Thin, Aung, Aung Thu, Mar, and Htay.

In this group: Htay, Mar , Aung Thu, Aung , Thin , San San, San

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details