A loan helped to purchase more used clothes to sell.

Marthaline's story

Marthaline is 50 years old. She is a married mother with 5 children, all of whom live at home while attending school. Marthaline is a high school graduate. Due to insufficient capital from her husband, she is engaged in a business which sells used clothes in the general market.

Marthaline's husband gave her some money to start this business and her mother taught her how to sell. Marthaline describes herself as strong business woman. She has been in this business for 15 years now. She uses a car to transport supplies to her business. Marthaline requested a loan through BRAC Liberia, a Kiva field partner. The loan will be used to purchase more used clothing to sell in order to generate more income to help her pay back her loan and increase sales.

She likes her business because sales are profitable and she is proud of her business because it makes her an independent woman. In the future she wants to build houses and expand her business. She wishes to say thanks.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

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