A loan helped to lease some land, plant new crops, and to build a barn.

Salimjon's story

Salimjon, aged 47, is a responsible man who lives in the J. Balkhi district of Tajikistan with his wife and his four wonderful children. Salimjon is a farmer; he grows crops and raises livestock. He has been dreaming about expanding his farming business for a long time. The only obstacle he has encountered on the path of reaching his goals has been a lack of money. At the moment, his family helps him with the farming business.

With the money from his loan, and while the weather is still not too cold, Salimjon is planning to finish building a barn. He also intends to rent 0.5 hectares of land on which he will plant onion seeds to be harvested next fall. Kiva lenders like you are his only hope. He relies entirely on your help.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

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