A loan helped to purchase more supplies for her butcher shop.

Bolormaa's story

Bolormaa is a 34 year-old friendly and hard-working businesswoman. She lives with her husband and two children in Arkhangai province in central Mongolia. Her oldest son is a university student and her youngest attends a local secondary school. Bolormaa currently operates a butcher shop in her town with the help of her husband. Her husband also supports the family by driving a taxi. Bolormaa started her butcher shop in 1998 with an investment of 50,000 tugrugs (~34 USD) and has grown it into a successful operation. Today, her working capital exceeds 600,000 tugrugs (~408 USD). Bolormaa has used the profits from her business to build a nice house for her family, and her dream is for her children to become educated and important people. She is requesting a 600,000 tugrug (~408 USD) loan to purchase more supplies for her butcher shop.

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