A loan helped to buy seed potatoes, a pig and 120 kgs of rice bran.

Rolland's story

Rolland, 49, makes his living from rearing animals and from agriculture. He lives in a rural village with his wife and their two children - aged 11 and 6. He works hard so the family can enjoy a better life.
He joined VAHATRA in 2016 with the objective of expanding his business. Therefore, the income will improve.

The previous loan bore fruit - he used it to rear pigs and was able to buy some rice fields with his profits, which he put into stock.
This loan is needed in order to continue to develop his pig rearing business. He intends to buy a pig and 120 kgs of rice bran to feed it.
Apart from the pig farming, he is also going to plant potatoes. The money from the loan will also be used to buy 100 kgs of seed potatoes.

He sells all his produce at the local market. His main focus is to have the finances to ensure financial independence.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alistair Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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