A loan helped to purchase sheep.

Elsa's story

Mrs. Elsa is a member of the Communal Bank “Jesús de Nazareth”, which is located in the town of López in the Llave district, El Collao province, department of Puno.
She is 32 years old, married with four children. She has elementary school education and lives in the town of Churo Maquera.

She has worked with the Manuela Ramos Movement (micro-finance institution) for six months. Her first loan of 300 nuevos soles was used as capital to purchase sheep.

She is now requesting an additional loan of 1,000 nuevos soles to invest in the purchase of sheep to be sold in the Sunday weekly town fair in Llave.

Her greatest wish is to continue working. She enjoys the savings and the loan meetings.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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