A loan helped to prepare his land for coffee cultivation.

Moises's story

Moises is a married young man of 27 years. He has a son and his business is coffee growing.

He works in "Caranavi" where there are coffee plantations by tradition. Moises works with his wife. They have almost 12 hectares of arable land. Two are for coffee and one is citrus, which both produce annually. In order to improve and increase his agricultural production, part of his land must be set aside so that he can carry out soil preparation work and fertilize the land. In this way, he can increase its coffee and citrus production, improving sales in the market.

His business advantage is that he has its own land, while his challenge is limited manpower. His dream is to produce on all of his 12 hectares, and pay for the labor necessary to prepare the land. The loan will help Moises hire labor to prepare this land, increasing the volume of production and improving his family's income. This is the first loan he has requested from Kiva Partner Sembrar Sartawi in 10 years of work.

It is for these reasons that Moises requests a loan to prepare new plots of land for the cultivation of coffee.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers smooth their income and protect against the effects of climate change.

Loan details

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Loan details