A loan helped to pay for a treatment at a medical clinic.

Erkinjon's story

The man in this photo is Erkinjon. He is a very kind and responsible man. He was born in 1988, to a worker's family.

Erkinjon is married and has two children. He provides his family with food and clothes. His wife is a housekeeper. Erkinjon works as an accountant; he has been working in this profession for years. The main income of his family is from Erkinjon’s salary.

In hopes of treating his wife's illness, he is asking for a loan of 2,500 TJS. He must pay for his wife's treatment at the medical clinic. He intends to use the loan for her treatment.

Erkinjon is a returning client and has a positive credit history. This is his second loan through Kiva’s field partner, IMON.

Erkinjon and his family need Kiva lenders' support and mercy. Please help him!

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

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