A loan helped purchase ingredients & supplies for making desserts.

Ramona's story

Sra. Ramona is a member of the Communal Bank “Las Brisas” (The Breezes), which is located in the District of Bellavista, Department of San Martín. She is 44 years old, married, and has 3 children, of whom one is still dependent. Ramona is a woman who wants to get ahead. She is considered to be strong-willed and efficient.

For six years, she has been selling desserts such as mazamorra (porridge) made of purple corn, rice pudding, and custard. She started generating good revenues, so she decided to invest more into her business. Ramona starts selling her products on the street at 9:30am. She says her business is doing well and that her products are well-received because their rich flavor.

With her loan of 2000 soles, she will buy supplies to prepare her desserts such as purple corn, rice, kilos of sugar, apples, pineapples, ground cinnamon, and other ingredients that give her creations their rich flavor. She will also purchase utensils, such as plastic cups and spoons.

Ramona is content with her success. She is grateful to Manuela Ramos for helping her fulfill her dreams and goals, as well as helping other women improve their businesses.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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