A loan helped to stock her store with rice, sugar, oil, pasta, and eggs.

Julia's story

Julia is a member of the female entrepreneurs' village bank. Julia is 57 years old, married, and has eight children, the youngest of whom is seventeen and attends public school.

Julia used to sell sweets in the markets and at the entrance to the schools. She stopped for a while when profits decreased, but then started selling them again. With the money she is little by little buying things to display in a store in her home, which she and her daughter attend to.

Since joining Finca, Julia has had more capital and been able to buy more products. Julia needs a loan of 1000 soles to stock her store with rice, sugar, oil, noodles, and eggs.

Julia's dream is to increase the size of her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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