A loan helped for home maintenance and new tires.

Bathishig's story

Bathishig H. is 30 and lives with his wife and three small children in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. His two children go to a local high school. Bathishig drives a small passenger car in Ulaanbaatar. Before this passenger transportation business, he used to sell second-hand car accessories at the local black market where most of the car-related products and services are offered.

Since he obtained permission to drive a passenger bus in the city, he decided to pursue the passenger transportation business as he saw brighter opportunities in the transportation business in the city. His wife Hajidmaa also helps in his business; she is the conductor on the bus and makes sure that money does not get lost. Bathishig requests a loan to maintain his house and to buy new tires for the bus.

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