A loan helped a member to buy supplies to make food like meat, condiments, baked goods, vegetables, and other products.

San Blas 3 Group's story

The group named San Blas 3 is a new group in which every one of its members is looking for a better quality of life to be able to help their families. They joined the group in order to to be trained and to improve in every one of their initiatives.

Teodora is one of them. She is the president of the group and works making and selling food. She herself is in charge of making it and then selling it on the streets in her neighborhood. She defines herself as someone who wants to grow and improve her living conditions in order to help her family.

She is requesting this loan to by supplies to make her food such as meat, condiments, baked goods, vegetables, and other products and, in this way, be able to continue selling like she has been.

In this group: Teodora, Irma, Viviana, Maria, Maria, Liz, Mirian, Vicenta, Victoria, Antonia, Mariela, Maria, Delia, Librada, Angela, Pablina, Cristina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Teresa Lorenz-Do.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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