A loan helped a member to buy leather to resell.

Kosar Parveen Muhammad Tariq Group's story

Kosar Parveen baji is the leader of a group of three women, all residents of Kasur, Pakistan, a city famous for its shrines. Her husband runs a leather-selling business, a very profitable enterprise because most people in Kasur wear “Khussa,” a kind of leather footwear. Kosar baji and her members also run their own businesses selling kites which are very popular with children, thereby enabling them to pay for utilities. Kosar baji is now applying for a loan to buy leather to increase the profit of her husband’s leather-selling business, while Rasheeda baji and Sugran baji and Ailas baji each want a loan to buy leather to sell.

This is a group loan. The loan funds will be distributed among the group members, each of whom will invest in her own business. The members guarantee one another's loans, so if one member does not repay, the others are responsible.

In this group: Kosar Parveen, Rasheeda, Sugran, Ailas

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details