A loan helped to buy construction materials to enclose her house.

Simona De Los Angeles's story

Simona is a very hard working woman. She is 42, and she lives in the 25 de Febrero neighborhood in the city of Managua. She has four children.

Her business is selling clothes, shoes, and perfume. She started her business twenty two years ago with her own money. She sold clothes and shoes door to door. Then she bought a vehicle to get around with her sales. She also started to get loans to increase her inventory.

This is her eight loan cycle with Afodenic. With this loan she will buy construction materials. Her plans are to improve the conditions of her house. It is very simple; it is made of wooden planks and zinc sheeting. She needs to enclose it to make it more secure for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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