Kiva Loan Dedication


Ajuy, Iloilo

Teresita is 52 years old and lives in a simple dwelling in Ajuy, Iloilo. She and her husband earn a living through fishing. They have been sustaining each day through this livelihood for 20 years. Meanwhile, this couple has four children to support.

She is now requesting a loan through Kiva’s field partner CEV (a microfinance NGO) in the Philippines to buy fishing materials like fishing net and lead weights. She will also buy paint for their fishing boat.

That way, she and her husband will be able to continue their fishing activity, allowing them to…

Teresita is 52 years old and lives in a simple dwelling in Ajuy, Iloilo. She and her husband earn a living through fishing. They have been sustaining each day through this livelihood for 20 years. Meanwhile, this couple has four children to support.

She is now requesting a loan through Kiva’s field partner CEV (a microfinance NGO) in the Philippines to buy fishing materials like fishing net and lead weights. She will also buy paint for their fishing boat.

That way, she and her husband will be able to continue their fishing activity, allowing them to improve their catch and uplift their earnings for a better means of living.

No dedications have been made for this loan.